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Papers and Research

Scenario for an International Children Film & TV Festival. Meervaart, Amsterdam, 1985 

Theater acoustics related to light weight structures
Research and tests, sound absorbing and reflective panels.
Van Dorsser bv, The Hague, 1986.
Assigned by NV Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.

Guidelines for the conception of a free travelling theatre bus for the University of Kenya, 1986

Waterpark Kito-Kito / Design & Scenario
ICSID Interdesign. Toyama, Japan 1989

To a European 'Gesamtkunstwerk'. 1991
Co-author Terts Brinkhoff

Liquid Light
Publication by Blaisse Media, Commissioned by Armada BV Eindhoven, 1995
Performance Skriabin, 1994. Electronics: Rob van de Poel

CulturalHeritage.cc Foundation (at the time MuseumDepot.org), 2000 

Combat against Illicit Traffic 
Museums and The Web2014

Advisory report, 2017
British Museum / Circulating Artefacts
A cross-platform alliance against the looting of pharaonic antiquities project.