High-end collection management
ArtViewing.Gallery makes use of a high-end Management System based on the CrossmarX repeatedly awarded software.
The system has proven its stabiltiy and flexibility since 2001, and is used by museums in the Netherlands, Russian Federation, Latin America, North America, India, and several European countries. Also private- and corporate- collectors from the top hundred list are among our renown customers
ArtViewing.Gallery provides access to a large professional audience that may result in loan procedures and upgrade the value of your collection.
Integrated Collection and Relation Management
The perfect tool to catalogue all data regarding collection items, including background information, location, provenance, valuation, insurance information, materials and complete administration covering loan procedures, restoration processes, and more.
Essential for the Gallery owner and mediator is the relation management feature of our system. Artists and clients are not only stored in your back office, they show also their relations to specific collection items and their detailed history.